adds "New Launches" and "Surplus" features to reach global buyers quickly adds "New Launches" and "Surplus" features to reach global buyers quickly adds "New Launches" and "Surplus" features to reach global buyers quickly

November 22, 2022

Category: General

Country: India

Date: 22nd November 2022, Edited.
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India is streamlining their home page with new features for better user experience and users can exploit it in all the ways possible and expand their B2B trade.

We are glad to announce new features and the guidelines it can be handled from the dashboard to Suppliers is given below.

Allow Cookies
Allowing cookies gives better experience to users on the platform so that they can use the portal as it is going to reduce downloading time for repeated tasks. “Accept” it for smooth browsing experience or choose to do it “Later”. 

This is useful for all users during their stay throughout in the portal.

Buying Leads (earlier called as Buyer Requirement) 
All registered Suppliers can send quotes to Buyers with latest stock position and workable terms in this section so that Buying Leads can be closed sooner than other suppliers based on your quick response. 

Suppliers of related category who have displayed their products in this sub_category get alerts after verification once a Buyer posts his requirement in this section. Suppliers are suggested to respond quickly as soon as they get the Buying leads as they are time bound and posted with an expiry date.

New Launches 
New and innovative products reach easily and immediately to B2B Buyers when Suppliers display these products at this section. Buyers can quickly access these products separately as they can find them by both Category wise and Product title wise search options. 

Suppliers who want to introduce these new products in the market can start adding these collections now from the dashboard at Manage Products section like regular products and inform us officially separately by email to validate and make them live in this section.

Surplus Products
Many suppliers have Surplus stocks and would like to dispose these stocks asap. To address this issue we have provided a window to display their catalogs product individually so that buyers contact suppliers for latest stock available in their warehouse.

Based on change in quantity Suppliers can keep updating the available quantity. Buyers can easily find these products quickly through Category wise and title wise search options.

Suppliers are requested to make note of above features and add start adding these collections from their dashboard where they Add/Edit products from Manage Products section. Registered Buyers are also requested to keep checking this section to send enquiries to suppliers at the same time.

For any further assistance in adding New Launches and Surplus products, both Suppliers and Buyers are requested to contact admin with their query.

For more info:
GTS Newsdesk
M: +91-96635 12794

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