PM eager to boost BD’s trade, investment with Spain

PM eager to boost BD’s trade, investment with Spain

PM eager to boost BD’s trade, investment with Spain

July 10, 2024

Category: General

Country: Bangladesh

Region: Asia

Desk Report
6th July, 2024 3:16 PM

To increase business and foster mutual benefits between Bangladesh and Spain, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina emphasized the need for increasing trade and commerce between Bangladesh and Spain.

The prime minister addressed it in Ganabhaban during a visit with Spanish Ambassador Gabriel Maria Sistiaga Ochoa de Chinchetru on 4 July.

According to the Spanish Ambassador, Bangladesh is currently Spain's main source of imports for ready-made garments (RMG), and Spain wants to invest in the cement sector of Bangladesh.

Besides, the prime minister urged the ambassador to take steps to boost Spanish investment in Bangladesh. She outlined the initiatives taken by the government to create about 100 economic zones throughout the nation.

"Spanish investors can also make investments in these zones; we want to see more investments from Spain," she said.

She also requested the ambassador to persuade Spain to assist Bangladesh after it graduates from LDC status, in addition to support from the European Union.

The outcome of the meeting was that the two nations would start negotiating a collaboration agreement in September.

60,000 Bangladeshis are living in Spain right now. The prime minister asked Spain to take more Bangladeshis, especially those, who are in the IT industry.

The Spanish Ambassador highly praised Bangladesh's budget, noting the government's focus on education and social safety nets.

He said, “This is very important for us; your increased interest and allocation in social safety net matched with our country also."


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